Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A picture of love

21st July 2015 is one of those days that will always be a part of my heart. A day I witnessed a picture unlike any other.

Me and my coworkers decided to visit Shishubhavan, an orphanage run by the Missionaries of Charity. What I experienced was something quiet different.

The sight of the nuns and volunteers from Spain feeding the differently abled children paralysed me. What I saw before me was a beautiful picture of love, patience and joy among the nuns and volunteers n even the children. I stood back.. simply watching, taking in quietly all that I could from what I saw.

While I just stood there. I saw my dear friend add to the picture her loving presence. She waltzed around the room connecting with the children and the volunteers with a radiant glow on her face.

Here I was, in awe, getting a glimpse of how the lord was working.  There was only 1 language that existed.... the language of love.

Before this picture I was a spectator and I pray that soon I would be a part of the picture itself, for another little girl to see and love.

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